Paige Southard

Account Based Marketing
Relationship Marketing: 23 Ways to Nurture Relationships with Your Podcast Guests
Relationships are complicated. Ask anyone.
They involve emotions, opinions, desires...and if you want them to go the distance, relationships require lots of time and energy.
Nurturing relationships with anyone, from your podcast guest to your spouse, requires a certain level of depth and intentionality.
Since relationships are at the core of everything we do, we wanted to share 23 ways to nurture strong relationships with your podcast guests (or anyone, really).

Content Marketing
How a Podcast Can Feed Your Content Creation Strategy (a 6-Step Process)
Podcasts are content gold mines. Easily absorbable, they feel more personal to the listener and are inexpensive to produce.
In this post, we dive into how you can turn your podcast into the anchor of your content creation strategy.

Content Marketing
17 of the Best Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
This list of podcasts is a well-rounded curriculum for entrepreneurs and marketers looking for expert advice.
Whether you’re building products or expanding your reach through social media, there is a ton of content for you in this list of podcasts.

B2B Sales
14 Ideas For Insanely Effective Lead Magnets
Generating leads from your website can be really hard. So how are the online marketing juggernauts collecting thousands of leads each month?
The simple answer is this: they're using insanely effective lead magnets.
Here are 14 lead magnets that you can implement on your website today.