15 B2B Marketing Podcasts Every Marketer Should Listen To

Tim Royan
May 17, 2024
15 B2B Marketing Podcasts Every Marketer Should Listen To

Fellow podcast enthusiasts, welcome to a deep dive into the realm of B2B marketing podcasts!

In a world where time is money and knowledge is power, podcasts have become the go-to resource for continuous learning.

As someone constantly seeking growth and insight, I've curated an impressive collection of podcasts that have become my virtual mentors for marketing strategy and tactics.

While I may not be bulking up at the gym, I'm certainly bulking up on knowledge with every episode. Join me as we explore the top B2B marketing podcasts that are shaping the world of modern business strategies. Get ready to tune in and level up your marketing game!đŸ’Ș

Our Top 15 Podcasts for B2B Marketers

1. B2B Growth

Length: 5 to 20 minutes

What people think: 5.0 stars from 400+ ratings

Why you should listen: Hey, would you look at that
 we made the list! I mean, I know we’re writing the list, but still. Really though, we’re proud of the work we do here across the many series we produce for B2B Growth. If we didn’t love what we do, we wouldn’t publish it.

And we think every B2B marketer on the planet will like it, too. Every day, one of our many co-hosts interviews a B2B marketer, executive or thought leader and turns their success into actionable lessons our listeners can immediately execute.

We cover everything from B2B marketing strategy to buyer personas to account-based marketing — and we pack it all into 15-20 minute episodes even the busiest B2B marketers can fit into their day.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

2. The Animalz Content Marketing Podcast

Length: 20 minutes to an hour

What people think: 5.0 stars from 12 ratings

Why you should listen: If we were to construct a B2B marketing college degree based on podcasts — which, now that I think about it, is kind of what this list is — this would be the core class on content marketing everyone has to take.

The best thing about the approach The Animalz Content Marketing podcast takes is while, yes, it gives you solid strategy advice for your content, it goes far beyond one-off tips. The show is incredibly in-depth and the discussion transforms your thinking about content marketing on a much deeper level.

So yes, you’ll find some tactics, but you’ll also learn robust frameworks by analyzing illuminating examples of real-world success. You’ll always find new takes and ideas on this podcast, which is particularly impressive in a field that has been covered so extensively.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

3. The Data-Driven Marketer

Length: 15-30 minutes

What people think: 5.0 stars from 9 ratings

Why you should listen: As I’m sure you can surmise from its name, this podcast is amazing for anyone who wants to become a better marketer but wants to make sure their decisions are backed by the best data out there.

Hosted by the inimitable — which is a fancy word I learned today meaning one-of-a-kind — Allen Pogorzelki, proud data geek and VP of Marketing at Openprise, The Data-Driven Marketer covers topics like choosing the right tech stack and how to experiment better.

The great guests featured on each episode never disappoint and it’s impossible to leave an episode without learning something new and innovative.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

4. The GaryVee Audio Experience

Length: Anywhere from 15 minutes to well over an hour

What people think: 5.0 stars from 14k ratings

Why you should listen: If you haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, I’m going to assume you just woke up from a coma. On behalf of the 21st Century, welcome and sorry we never built those flying cars you were promised.

The entrepreneurial guru better known as GaryVee’s podcast is like caffeine you drink with your ears. He’s not just an expert in marketing, he’s also an expert in getting marketers pumped about their jobs.

His podcast features interviews with some of the most influential leaders in the space, answers every marketing question you could’ve ever thought to ask, and so much more. We promise you’ll find some inspiration, motivation and something to laugh about when you give this podcast a listen.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

5. I Love Marketing

Length: 30 minutes to over an hour

What people think: 4.5 stars from 227 ratings

Why you should listen: Do you love marketing? Well, do you, punk?

If so, this show is for you. Hosts Dean Jackson and Joe Polish both fell in love with marketing as kids. Now they get to talk to industry leaders about everything important in the field.

The show covers valuable marketing areas like direct response marketing, personal branding and entrepreneurship. The show has covered a lot and welcomed a ton of big-name guests over the years, so we recommend mining deep into the archives.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

6. Social Media Marketing

Length: 45 minutes

What people think: 4.5 stars from 1.1k ratings

Why you should listen: It’s no secret social media is a key ingredient in any successful marketing strategy these days.

And Social Media Marketing delivers oodles of helpful tools for anyone looking to spice up their strategy. The podcast comes from the Social Media Marketing Society, so you know they know their stuff.

This podcast will teach you everything from strategic ways to persuade social-media prospects to how to avoid being distracted by all those shiny icons screaming for your attention on your desktop.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

7. Marketing School

Length: Under 10 minutes

What people think: 4.5 stars from 938 ratings

Why you should listen: Prepare to get schooled in digital marketing from hosts Neil Patel & Eric Siu, who do a great job putting out a useful new lesson every single day.

This podcast is the ultimate bite-sized marketing morsel. Each episode is under 10 minutes long, but its nougaty marketing-center packs as many calories as other king-sized podcasts.

 now I’m hungry.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

8. The Marketing Book Podcast

Length: 1 hour

What people think: 5 stars from 656 ratings

Why you should listen: The Marketing Book Podcast offers something really valuable and unique when it comes to leveling up your B2B marketing know-how.

Every Friday the show dissects a great marketing book with the assistance of its author. Which is awesome, because it’s basically like inviting Mary Shelly to your book club for Frankenstein week.

Listening to this show gives you a ton of useful information. But the real value comes from the books you’ll be reading to pass the time between episodes. Never stop learning!

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

9. Lochhead on Marketing

Length: 5 to 45 minutes

What people think: 4.5 stars from 161 ratings

Why you should listen: This show was built to turn ordinary marketers into legendary marketers.

The podcast has a penchant for counterintuitive approaches to marketing and heavily emphasizes the importance of category design.

Sometimes the wait between episodes is long, but the advice given by host Christopher Lochhead — who has been dubbed  “A Human Exclamation Point” — is worth the wait.

Each solo episode is like a shotgun blast of greatness, while guest episodes always feature really smart leaders that you wish would’ve been on your radar at the beginning of your career.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

10. At the Table

Length: 20 minutes to an hour

What people think: 5.0 stars from 405 ratings

Why you should listen: Patrick Lencioni is a legend when it comes to business management. Pretty much every successful entrepreneur and business leader absolutely gushes over “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” his wildly successful book on avoiding the pitfalls faced when growing together as a team.

And he’s brought the same wit, wisdom, humor and expertise that made that book (and several of his other books) such a success with him on this weekly podcast which covers every aspect of leadership, team-building, and organizational health.

If you’re looking for how to kill it as a B2B marketer, chances are you aren’t going to do it alone. Learn how to lead your team from Patrick and his crew at The Table Group.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

11. Duct Tape Marketing Podcast

Length: 20 to 30 minutes

What people think: 4.5 stars from 169 ratings

Why you should listen: Are you struggling with marketing for a small business?

Well, like the sticky, shiny household adhesive it takes its name from, The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast has the potential to fix everything.

Packed with awesome marketing tips, sound tactics and useful resources, this show can help you market like the biggest companies out there, whether or not you’re making the Fortune 500 any time soon.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

12. The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Length: 20 to 30 minutes

What people think: 5.0 stars from 6.4k ratings

Why you should listen: You may have caught onto a pattern — we’ve snuck quite a few leadership and team development podcasts into this list.

But we’ve never heard of a successful marketing organization that isn’t incredible at both. And if you want to become equally incredible, this podcast is required-listening.

Craig Groeschel’s leadership coaching alone would be worth the month long wait between episodes, but add in high-calibre guests like Patrick Lencioni and you have the recipe for one of the best leadership podcasts on the interwebs.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

13. Creative Pep Talk

Length: 45 minutes to 2 hours

What people think: 5 stars from 1.3k ratings

Why you should listen: Don’t worry all you creatives out there, we didn’t forget about you. And we’re not just saying that because we’re worried about a scathing editorial cartoon, angsty poem, or tear-jerking ballad made about us

Creatives — and creativity in general — are the backbone of successful marketing teams. All the technology and analytics in the world can’t save you without them.

And Creative Pep Talk is all about the best ways to harness your creativity. Whether you need to get better at focusing or replenishing your creative energy, or you want to build a following of maniacal superfans on social for your new K-Pop project, the interviews and tips from successful creatives never fail to inspire.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

14. Noah Kagan Presents

Length: Anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 hours

What people think: 5.0 stars from 825 ratings

Why you should listen: To say Noah Kagan is a bit of a savant when it comes to entrepreneurial success is an understatement. Luckily, he isn’t greedy with his truck loads of knowledge and shares proven growth strategies every week.

On top of that, his guests are a veritable who’s-who of the highest-performing CEOs, entrepreneurs and others across a wide range of industries.

What we really love about this podcast is the openness and honesty Noah brings. We listen for the strategies and tips he and his guests share. But we stay for the inspiring personal anecdotes, the honest account of the challenges he’s faced and the authenticity dripping off every episode.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

15. Marketing Over Coffee

Length: 30 minutes

What people think: 4.5 stars from 307 ratings

Why you should listen: This podcast is a must for the tech-savvy marketers out there. Marketing Over Coffee is recorded in a coffee shop every week and delves into topics like how to keep up with social networks, SEO and email marketing.

Hosts John Wall & Christopher Penn are both accomplished marketers, public speakers and forward thinkers. Their show is packed with useful information worthy of any college marketing course, but their conversations are so fun you never feel like your sitting through a boring lecture.

Listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Website

That’s All, Folks

What makes for the best B2B marketing podcasts is subjective.

We chose this list because each podcast either has actionable information you can start using right away, is fantastically entertaining, or extremely inspiring.

And hey, if you like marketing podcasts so much you want to start one
 Let’s just say we know a thing or two about helping B2B companies launch successful podcasts (hint: we are a B2B podcast agency). 😉

Learn more about what services your podcast agency should offer.
