Discovering The Sweet Fish Creator House

Jeffre Behm
April 16, 2024
Discovering The Sweet Fish Creator House

Growing an audience will require more than commodity content. It will require thought leadership, content strategy, and recording on sets that let viewers know you mean business. 

All of this went into James Carbary’s idea of the Creator House — a recording haven meant to inspire and motivate ideas you might not have had in the comfort of your office.

Wait … We bought an entire house just to inspire and motivate ideas? Not even close. 

  • Your commute from bed to recording on set is about 30 seconds (Think of all the naps between recordings)
  • High-quality sets that we can record on for as long as we like

But the real value:

You get a VIP experience to record three months of content in 3 days!

You’re Going to Feel Like the Star that You Are

But why is content creation easier at the Creator House than in your home office? Distractions.

You’re about to hit record but hear the ping of another email — recording has to wait. You carved out 2 hours of time to strategize about the arc your show should take this quarter — except Mark from accounting just stopped by and really needs your ear. 

You’ve heard the cliché—writers disappear into complete isolation to write their next great novel. There’s a reason—it works. The right mindset in the right environment creates the perfect scenario for thinking outside the box. But we’ll do you one better—how about an entire team dedicated to the craft of content backing you up every step of the process?

With the Sweet Fish team championing your content strategy, we’ll produce episode after episode, directing you as we go with adjustments and suggestions to maximize your recording.

No one’s going to tell you about the piece of lettuce stuck between your teeth that’s going to ruin your entire recording—we will. We eliminate all the minor hiccups that take place when recording on your own, pulling you out of the creative groove and slowing you down.

The only thing you need to worry about when you’re in our care is expressing the expertly crafted thoughts and ideas you want to share with the world. OK, maybe also worry about what you’re going to wear. (We have suggestions for that too.) 

What the Creator House is REALLY Like

Neighboring Disney World creating a unique guest experience at the house, comes with the territory.

When you enter the house, you will be greeted by a Polaroid wall of past guests and the first of our recording sets — a moody bourbon room with classic rock and pop art influences. Traveling further into the home, you’ll quickly get an idea of why this experience is different than anything you’ve ever experienced:

  • Full kitchen with buffet-style breakfast setup
  • Pool and hot tub (with an unobstructed view of the Disney fireworks at night)
  • Round Table set complete with neon sign, PAC-MAN machine, and podcasting dinosaur head
  • Traditional set with unique lighting for those episodes that need to feel rich
  • High-end cameras and lighting abound

Unparalleled Experience? We Got You

We believe guests' vacations start well before they check into their hotel. (And yes, we consider your three-day event a vacation.)

As soon as you touch down at the Orlando International Airport, our team is waiting close by in our company vehicle to pick you up. On the ride to the house, you can expect chilled drinks, a lavender oil-infused hot towel, and a team member well-versed in the history of Sweet Fish keeping you company.

In the house, our team will help you to your room outfitted with its own coffee maker, Netflix on the TV, and a work desk with a halo light for any necessary video calls.

Once you’re settled, it’s time to get to work:

  1. Talk through the content strategy and any episode-specific needs
  2. Guests are situated on set where audio and video are tested
  3. The Sweet Fish team gives guests direction
  4. Record and repeat!

But don’t let the simplicity of these four steps fool you. Every episode comes with its own unique challenges, something our team anticipates and takes care of for you wherever possible. 

At the end of the day, we’ll celebrate together at dinner, debrief, and discuss what the next day of recording will look like—all while our editing team is hard at work behind the scenes editing your content.

Once all recordings have taken place, we’ll talk about what went right and wrong about your experience — improving it for next time before shuttling you back to the airport for departure. 

This is Where We Gloat … But So Does Everyone Else

We know gushing until we’re blue in the face about the Creator House sounds good in theory, but we’re a little more than biased…

With that in mind, here are a few mentions of what guests have thought of their experience in the Creator House:

Come Hang Out with Us!

In a content-driven digital landscape, the quality of your content counts. Something most people know intuitively but few can truly deliver, partly due to the intentionality, consistency, and creativity needed to succeed.

Let recording feel like a vacation instead of another task to check off your list.  

For your next creative project, let the Creator House and Sweet Fish team fulfill our promise of delivering truly one-of-a-kind content. Learn more about booking your visit to the Creator House.