New Podcast Launch Promotion Plan (w/ Templates)

Trying to tackle all of the promotional aspects for a podcast launch is about as daunting as going to the dentist for the first time in 10 years. We don't think podcast promotion should be that scary.

It should be easier (and less terrifying) to answer today's big question:
How do I promote my podcast? To promote your new podcast, it's essential to use a variety of channels and messaging before, during, and after the launch. Channels like your website, blog, email list, LinkedIn, and Twitter should all be leveraged to reach new listeners.
Sounds like a lot, I know. Never fear -- we've made templates and examples for each piece of promotional material you need.
Templates are in blue...
and examples are in red.
Here's a bird's eye view of what your podcast promotion plan could look like:

Now, let's get into how to use each template to promote the launch of your shiny new podcast.
How to Promote Your New Podcast on Your Website

How can you promote your new podcast on your website? To promote your podcast on your website, you can create a page dedicated to the show with sub-pages for each episode. The podcast should be an option in your main menu so people can find it easily.
For the two weeks leading up to your show's launch, we suggest featuring promotional banners on your website as well.
A dedicated podcast page is ideally ready to rock about a week before launch. Launch it the same day your podcast is going live. Then, about a week after your show's launched, drop the promotional banners.
- Create Podcast Page: 7 Days Before
- Push Podcast Page Live: Day of Launch
Podcast Website Page Template
An integral part of your launch promotion plan is your podcast's website page. Along with the show name and description, it should include links to podcast platforms and social media pages.
Podcast Name
Podcast Description
Latest Episode:
[Embedded Podcast Player]
Subscribe On: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher
Subscribe Via Email
Follow the Show On: LinkedIn | YouTube | Instagram
Shining Review From a Subscriber
Show Episodes
Popular Episode Tags
Search Bar
Featured Episodes
Podcast Website Page Examples
Take B2B Growth's podcast page for example:

Your podcast's dedicated website page should include the following:
- Podcast title
- Show description
- Cover art
- Email subscription button
- Social media links

Then, once you have a handful of episodes launched, we suggest including...
- A search feature
- Links to curated lists of related episodes
- A featured episodes section

Find out more about your podcast's website page and individual episode pages here.
How to Promote Your New Podcast on Your Blog

How should you promote your new podcast on your blog? To promote your podcast on your blog, publish an announcement on launch day. Then, write blog posts based on the content from each of your episodes.
- Launch Post: Day of Launch
- Post Based on First Episode: 3 Days After
- Post Based on Second Episode: 7 Days After
Launch Blog Post Template
The blog post announcing the launch of your podcast should be specific to your show. But here's a template to help you get started.
Introducing a Brand New Podcast: [Podcast Name]
[Podcast Name] isn't your average [industry] podcast. Host [host's name] interviews the industry's leading professionals to bring you...
- The latest insights
- Actionable advice you can use right away
- Real-life experiences
You'll also hear about [additional details about the show].
Learn from industry experts like...
- [Guest's name]
- [Guest's name]
- [Guest's name]
Be the first to get the latest on [industry]. Subscribe to [Podcast Name] on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Launch Blog Post Example
Title That Announces Your New Podcast
[Title Example: New B2B Marketing Podcast Comes to Town]
Hook that grabs attention & describes what listeners can expect.
[Hook Example: B2B Growth isn't your 80-year-old boss's podcast (unless she's really cool). Host James Carbary interviews the most inventive industry disruptors in B2B marketing and sales. No dull business lecturing. Get ready to hear about cutting-edge insights, actionable advice, and real-life B2B experiences.]
More details about the show. Drop a few guest names.
CTA that pushes the reader to subscribe to your podcast.
[CTA Example: Wanna be the smartest marketer in the office? Subscribe to B2B Growth and hear the first three episodes right now.]
Blog Post Based on Podcast Episode Template
The blog post based on your show's first episode is going to be unique to your guest and subject matter. Here's a simple template to get you off on the right foot.
How to [verb, main talking point] w/ [Guest's name]
In today's episode of [Podcast Name] I spoke with [Guest's name], [professional title] at [Company name]. [She/He/They] shared the best method for [verb, main talking point], as well as...
- Second talking point
- Third talking point
- Fourth talking point
This post is based on an episode of [Podcast Name] with [Guest's name] and [Host's name]. For more conversations like this one, subscribe to [Podcast Name] on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
[First talking point]
[Details about that talking point]
"Direct quote from guest." -- Guest's name
[Second talk point]
[Details about that talking point]
[Third talking point]
[Details about that talking point]
"Direct quote from guest." -- Guest's name
[Fourth talking point]
[Details about that talking point]
The Takeaways
Hopefully, my conversation with [Guest's name] has helped you understand [main topic] a bit better. If anything, I want these main points to hit home:
- [First takeaway]
- [Second takeaway]
- [Third takeaway]
For more insights like these, subscribe to [Podcast Name] on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Blog Post Based on Podcast Episode Example
Title That Highlights the Main Idea or Keyword
[Title Example: 4 Ways to Measure Podcast ROI]
Embedded podcast player.
Intro that grabs the reader's attention, highlights the main idea, and mentions the guest.
[Intro Example: Producing a business podcast without measuring its ROI is like playing a basketball game with no one keeping score -- kind of pointless. Luckily, I had the chance to sit down with a CEO who's driven $3m in revenue with his podcast, B2B Growth. James Carbary, the founder of Sweet Fish and host of B2B Growth, shares four ways to measure your podcast's ROI in today's episode.]
List of the main talking points from the episode.
[List Example: Plus, he also talks about...
Why you should be using your podcast for ABM
How you can meet anyone you want through your podcast
Podcast marketing best practices]
Quick call-out to your show.
[Call-Out Example: This post is based on an episode of B2B Growth featuring Emily Kingland and James Carbary. For more conversations like this one, subscribe to B2B Growth on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.]
H2 Describing the First Point
[H2 Example: Podcast ROI Metric #1: Guests to Customers]
Write about what the guest said in regards to the first H2. Include actionable tactics that the reader can take back to their work. Feature any relevant quotes from the guest.
H2 Describing the Second Point
H2 Describing the Third Point
H2 Describing the Fourth Point
Conclude the blog post with the main takeaways.
[Conclusion Example: Remember -- measuring your business podcast's ROI is as important as keeping score in a basketball game. It gives it purpose. Let's review the four ways to measure your podcast's ROI:
1. Guests turned to customers
2. Comparison to your show's past benchmarks
3. Comparison to your other marketing channels
4. Comparison to other podcasts' benchmarks
Until next time!]
CTA calling out your show.
[CTA Example: For more insights like these, subscribe to B2B Growth on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.]
How to Promote Your New Podcast w/ Email Blasts

How should you promote your new podcast with email? To promote your podcast with email blasts, send out promotional emails three days before launch and on launch day. Then, send an email highlighting your show's ratings and reviews. Lastly, email a teaser of a new episode.
- Promotional Email: 3 Days Before
- Launch Email: Day of Launch
- Reviews + Ratings Email: 3 Days After
- New Episode Email: 7 Days After
Promotional Email Template
Your promotional email blast should get people excited for the upcoming launch.
Subject: Get the latest [industry] insights from the NEW [Podcast Name] podcast.
The most informative [industry] podcast drops in 3 days.
In 72 hours, you can hear the first [# of episodes going live] of [Podcast Name].
Hosted by [Host's name], [Podcast Name] brings you interviews with leading experts in [industry]. Prepare to hear from industry disruptors, like
- [Guest's name]
- [Guest's name]
- [Guest's name]
Every [day, week, other week, month] you'll gain
- The latest insights
- Actionable advice you can use right away
- Stories of real-life experiences in the business
In 3 days, you'll be on your way to becoming an industry titan.
Don't miss the launch! Follow [Podcast Name] on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
Promotional Email Example
Subject line that piques interest.
[Subject Line Example: We never thought we'd do it. But it's happening.]
Headline that makes the recipient want to keep reading.
[Headline Example: You wanted more B2B marketing insights. So, get ready.]
Podcast cover art should be here so your fans can recognize it once it goes live.
Body of the email should be relatively brief. Give the deets, stir up some excitement, and get outta there.
[Body Example: The best B2B marketing podcast you've never heard of is coming to town in 3 days. Don't walk -- run to B2B Growth. It's a show full of juicy insights, actionable advice, and real-life experiences. All meant to make you the smartest person in the office. Hear from B2B legends and practitioners who want you to love your job even more than you do.]
CTA can point to podcast's social media profiles.
[CTA Example: Hear the first 3 episodes before your coworkers do. Follow B2B Growth on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.]
Launch Email Template
Then, on launch day, send another announcement.
Subject: The time has come -- [Podcast Name] is live!
Hear expert insights on [industry] right now.
Are you ready to gain actionable advice and relevant insights to apply at work?
Lucky for you, [Podcast Name] is now live. Get the latest on the [industry] space today.
Never miss an episode. Subscribe to [Podcast Name] on
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | Stitcher
or anywhere you listen to podcasts!
Launch Email Example
Subject line that piques interest.
[Subject Line Example: It's aliiiiive! 🧟♂️ (The podcast.)]
Headline that announces the podcast launch.
[Headline Example: Ready or not: The edgiest B2B podcast has just dropped.]
Feature your podcast cover art so people know what to look for.
Body should describe what the listener can expect from the show.
[Body Example: The first 3 episodes of B2B Growth are live and you're one of the first ones to find out. Get a headstart on the best go-to-market strategies, the most underutilized tactic in B2B marketing, and more. Hurry... before everybody else gets here!]
CTA should include buttons for all of the podcast-playing apps someone can find the podcast on.
[CTA Example: Never miss an episode of B2B Growth. Subscribe on...
Apple Podcasts
Google Play
or anywhere else you listen to podcasts.]
Ratings + Reviews Email Template
The next email that should go out three days after launch leverages social proof. In order to collect the social proof you need for this email, ask your friends, family, and coworkers to leave ratings and reviews of the show.
Subject: Other [ICP profession i.e., marketers] are listening & learning. Are you?
People are listening & they're loving [Podcast Name].
As someone in the [industry] space, you'd be doing yourself a huge favor by subscribing to [Podcast Name]. Others in [industry] have and they're already showing the love.
[Screenshot of Apple Podcast rating.]
[Review from a subscriber.]
Don't listen to [Podcast Name] if you're okay missing out on...
- Real-world advice from industry leaders
- Actionable insights you can apply at work
- Entertaining content -- [industry] doesn't have to be dull
Otherwise, subscribe to [Podcast Name] anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher
Ratings + Reviews Email Example
Subject line that promotes your show's ratings/reviews.
[Subject Line Example: "The most engaging business podcast out there." -- Dwight Schrute, Dunder Mifflin]
Headline with more social proof.
[Headline Example: 5 stars already? They really like us!]
Body should remind people what your podcast is about why they should listen.
[Body Example: You don't have to listen to B2B Growth if you're good with missing out on...
- Expert marketers sharing their secrets
- Actionable insights you can use at your job
- Emerging industry trends
- Becoming the person people go to for marketing advice]
CTA should point people to your show and include buttons to all of the relevant podcast players (Apple, Spotify, etc.).
[CTA Example: Hear what our reviewers are hearing. Subscribe to B2B Growth and get the first 3 episodes right now.]
New Episode Email Template
For at least the first new episode you should shoot out an email blast. Otherwise, make sure to tease new episodes in your regular newsletter.
Subject: Catch up on the freshest [industry] advice from [Guest's name].
You don't want to miss out on this.
Expert tips for [ICP profession]. Real-life advice you can take back to work. Relevant [industry] predictions.
They're all in the newest episode of [Podcast Name] with [Guest's name], [Guest's title] at [Guest's company].
Hear it free today, anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher
New Episode Email Example
Subject line that entices the recipient to open the email.
[Subject Line Example: Catch up on the freshest B2B marketing advice from James Carbary.]
Headline that further intrigues the reader.
[Headline Example: You don't wanna miss it.]
Body should hint at what the reader will glean from the particular episode.
[Body Example: Expert tips for B2B marketing teams. Real-life advice you can take back to work today. Relevant B2B predictions.
It's all in the newest episode of B2B Growth with James Carbary, CEO at Sweet Fish Media.]
CTA that makes the reader want to listen immediately.
[CTA Example: Hear it free today. Anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher]
How to Promote Your New Podcast w/ a Newsletter

How should you promote your new podcast in your weekly newsletter? To promote your podcast in your weekly newsletter, make a brief mention one week before launch. Then, take up a big section of the newsletter on launch day and tease new episodes after that.
- Brief Mention: 7 Days Before
- Big Section: Day of Launch
- New Episode Teaser: 7 Days After
Brief Mention Template
A brief mention in your weekly newsletter is pretty straightforward, but here's a template to get started.
Introducing a New Podcast for [ICP profession]
[Podcast Name] is for the [ICP profession] who loves to learn, develop professionally, and hear leading experts talk shop. If that sounds like you, keep an eye out for [Podcast Name] going live on [launch date].
Brief Mention Example
Headline That Introduces The Show
[Headline Example: Introducing a New Podcast for B2B Marketers]
A few sentences announcing the upcoming launch of your podcast.
[Body Example: B2B Growth is for the B2B marketer who loves to learn, develop professionally, and hear leading experts talk shop. If that sounds like you, keep an eye out for B2B Growth going live on September 8th.]
Big Section Template
If the day of your show's launch and your weekly newsletter line up, make sure to include a big announcement.
New Podcast Alert: [Podcast Name] is Now Live
Looking for a new way to consume the industry's top insights? [Podcast Name] is live with [# of current episodes] knowledge-packed episodes just waiting for you to take a listen.
Hear from [industry] giants, like [Guest name], [Guest name], and [Guest name]. Host [Host's name] digs deep on every interview to bring you the most relevant insights, actionable tips, and real-world advice.
From [main topic] to [main topic], you'll gain all the knowledge to become the smartest person at work. And it's all for free.
Subscribe to [Podcast Name] on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Big Section Example
Headline That Announces the Launch of Your Show
[Headline Example: New Podcast Alert: B2B Growth is Now Live]
Body that describes what listeners can expect from the podcast.
[Body Example: Looking for a new way to consume the industry's top insights? B2B Growth is live with 3 knowledge-packed episodes just waiting for you to take a listen.
Hear from industry giants, like Dan Sanchez, Lesley Crews, and Logan Lyles. Host James Carbary digs deep on every interview to bring you the most relevant insights, actionable tips, and real-world advice.
From demand gen to ABM, prepare to gain all of the smarts to become the smartest person in the room. Oh, and it's all for free.]
CTA that directs people to subscribe to the show.
[CTA Example: Subscribe to B2B Growth on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.]
New Episode Teaser Template
For every newsletter after your podcast's launch, consider including a teaser for each new episode.
[Podcast Name]: New Episode
This week on [Podcast Name], [Host's name] sits down with [Guest's name], [Guest's title] at [Guest's company], to chat about...
- [First main topic]
- [Second main topic]
- [Third main topic]
Hear it anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google | Stitcher
New Episode Teaser Example
Headline That Announces the New Episode
[Headline Example: B2B Growth: New Episode Out Now 😱]
Body that teases what the new episode is about.
[Body Example: This week on B2B Growth, James Carbary sits down with Emily Kingland, Lead Brand Writer at Sweet Fish, to chat about...
- How to use keyword analysis
- How to outline a podcast episode
- Advice to marketing writers starting out]
CTA that directs people to their preferred podcast player.
[CTA Example: Don't miss this episode. Hear it anywhere you listen to podcasts.
- Apple Podcasts
- Spotify
- Google
- Stitcher]
How to Promote Your New Podcast on LinkedIn

How should you promote your new podcast on LinkedIn? To promote your new podcast on LinkedIn, use your personal account to post twice before launch, once on launch day, and twice after launch. Then, continually post about new episodes as they come out.
- Post: 7 Days Before
- Post: 3 Days Before
- Post: Day of Launch
- Post: 3 Days After
- Post: 7 Days After
Pre-Launch LinkedIn Post Template
While the purpose of posting on LinkedIn is to promote your new podcast, the content still needs to be valuable to your audience. Additionally, keep your posts under 1,275 characters or run the risk of getting truncated.
The most underrated way to network with other [industry] pros?
With a podcast, you can...
- Discuss the latest insights with expert practitioners.
- Learn from others' life experiences.
- Make valuable content for your audience.
- Expand to more audiences.
and most importantly...
- Build long-lasting relationships with ideal customers.
Oh, and it's fun, too. 😊
That's why we started one. It's called [Podcast Name] and it drops on [date of launch].
Keep an eye out for the first episode where I chat with [Guest's name] about [main topic].
Pre-Launch LinkedIn Post Example
Here's the most underrated way to meet B2B marketing pros:
With a podcast, you can...
- Learn about the latest marketing insights.
- Glean insights from others' life experiences.
- Create valuable content for your audience.
- Expand to more audiences.
and most importantly...
- Build trusting relationships with potential customers.
Plus, it's fun. 😊
That's why we've started our own podcast called B2B Growth. It launches on September 8th.
Keep an eye out for the first episode where I talk with James Carbary about Content-Based Networking.
Launch Day & Post-Launch LinkedIn Posts
On launch day and the days following launch, your LinkedIn posts should be specific to the content of your episodes. There are no templates for these posts, but here are a few guidelines to go by.
- Post it from your personal LinkedIn and tag your podcast's business page.
- Make it about the value of the episode.
- Offer tips that the reader can use right away.
- Avoid being too promotional about your show.
- Tag the guest within the post.
- Include the link to the episode in the first comment, not the post itself.
Here's an example:

How to Promote Your New Podcast on Twitter

How should you promote your new podcast on Twitter? To promote your new podcast on Twitter, create an account for your show. Then, tweet about it three times before launch, once on launch day, and three times after launch. Continue to tweet about new episodes and guests.
Since Twitter is a great way to get the word out quickly, we suggest making an account for your show before it launches.
Then, follow this posting schedule:
- Post: 7 Days Before
- Post: 3 Days Before
- Post: 1 Day Before
- Post: Day of Launch
- Post: 1 Day After
- Post: 3 Days After
- Post: 7 Days After
Pre-Launch Twitter Post Template
Start teasing the upcoming launch and reasons why people should listen. Also, use some industry and podcast-related hashtags.
Keep it under 280 characters.
It's not easy being a [ICP profession] today. You need relevant insights from real experts. So, that's what we're delivering.
Watch out for [Podcast Name] launching on [date of launch].
Subscribe anywhere you listen to podcasts.
#[relevant industry/podcast hashtag]
Pre-Launch Twitter Post Example
It's not easy being a B2B marketer in today's world. You need relevant insights from real experts. So, that's what we're giving to you.
Watch out for B2B Growth, launching on September 8.
Listen anywhere you get your podcasts.
#B2Bmarketing #marketingpodcast #B2Bpodcast
Launch Day & Post-Launch Tweets
Similar to your launch day and post-launch LinkedIn posts, your tweets should be specific to your episodes.
Remember to...
- Highlight the episode's value
- Tag the guest
- Link to the episode
- Use hashtags
Don't be afraid to use a GIF or another type of graphic either.
How to Promote Your New Podcast on Facebook

How should you promote your new podcast on Facebook? To promote your new podcast on Facebook, make a "business" page for the show and push it live three days before launch. Publish posts the day of launch and twice afterward. Then, continue to tease new episodes and other behind-the-scenes facts.
You could also use it as a platform to post video clips from your interviews.
- Push Podcast Page Live: 3 Days Before
- Post: Day of Launch
- Post: 1 Day After
- Post: 3 Days After
Launch Day Facebook Post Template
The day your podcast goes live, post about it on your show's page using the cover art as the image and including hashtags.
#[industry] insights, advice, and real-life experiences all told by leading practitioners? [Podcast Name] is LIVE today. Hear the first [# of available episodes] right now, featuring [Guest name], [Guest name], and [Guest name].
#[relevant industry/podcast hashtag]
Launch Day Facebook Post Example
#B2Bmarketing insights, advice, and real-life experiences all told by the top practitioners. It's B2B Growth and it's LIVE today!
Hear the first 3 episodes right now, featuring James Carbary (CEO & brilliant podcaster), Lesley Crews (producer & demand gen genius), and Kelsey Montgomery (creative director & daring designer).
#B2Bmarketing #businesspodcast #B2Bpodcasting
Post-Launch Facebook Posts
Just like with LinkedIn and Twitter, your post-launch Facebook updates should be specific to your episodes. Some guidelines to remember are...
- Focus on the value the listener will get from the episode
- Be authentic
- Tag guests whenever possible
- Always use a corresponding image
- Use relevant hashtags
- Don't be too promotional
Lastly, don't forget to include the link to the episode.
Podcast Promotion Doesn't Have to Be Scary
That wasn't so bad, was it? Now you have a whole bank of promotional templates and examples for your podcast.
Remember: These templates are just to get you started. A lot of your promotional material should be specific to your show. We just want you to start off on the right foot.
If you have any more questions about promoting your podcast launch, don't hesitate to reach out to your Sweet Fish producer or hit us up right here.