How To Record a Podcast: Everything You Need To Know

Beth Bagley
June 5, 2024
How To Record a Podcast: Everything You Need To Know

So, you've decided to join the ranks of podcasting legends—or at least make your mark! Here at the beginning, it takes a little legwork to get things up and running. If you take your time to do it right the first time around, you can build from a strong foundation and really set yourself up for success.

Plus, when it comes to recording a podcast, the hardest part for most is just starting. So let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need so you can focus on connecting with your target audience and sharing your story. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or a newcomer with a fresh idea, the right tips and strategies can make your podcast a standout success.

Prepare for Your Podcast

Before you hit that record button, there’s a little prep work involved. Being intentional and thoughtful about how you will approach this process sets the tone for the rest of your podcast. That’s why we want to make sure that you’re super clear on a couple of aspects.

Pick Your Topic

First of all, what are you going to talk about on your podcast—and what does that mean for every episode? You likely have ideas in mind, but you can bring in more listeners by making it extra relevant to them. 

Start by looking for gaps in the conversation within your industry. Identifying topics that aren't widely covered can position your podcast as a fresh and valuable resource. It takes a little research, but you can eventually see what content already exists and pinpoint areas that haven't been fully explored. 

For example, if you’re in the tech industry, perhaps there’s a lack of in-depth discussions on emerging technologies like AI ethics. Addressing these lesser-covered topics can attract listeners eager for new and applicable insights.

Next, research your target audience to understand what they care about. This can be done through surveys, social media engagement, and studying trends in your industry. Knowing their interests, challenges, and questions will help you tailor your content to meet their needs. 

If your audience is mainly startup founders, content focused on scaling businesses or innovative funding strategies might resonate well. Your goal is to create episodes that not only attract listeners but also retain them by consistently delivering value.

Finally, don’t count your own opinion out! It’s important to focus on something you are particularly interested in or passionate about. Your enthusiasm for the topic will resonate with your listeners—they can sense that authenticity and will engage even more. 

The best move? Get to the root of how your favorite subjects ignite your curiosity and align with your expertise. This not only makes the podcasting process more enjoyable for you but also ensures that your content is rich and compelling.

Write Your Script

Okay, you know what you want to talk about—now how are you going to talk about it? A well-prepared podcast script can keep you on track and help you deliver the value you're aiming for. Of course, you don’t want to be too rigid. Balance structure with spontaneity by outlining key points and questions while allowing for a natural conversational flow. 

For example, if you’re interviewing an industry expert, prepare your questions in advance but be ready to explore interesting tangents that arise during the discussion. This will make your podcast informative and dynamic.

You can start by drafting a script that includes an introduction, key points, and a conclusion. The introduction should hook your listeners immediately, giving them a reason to stay tuned. Then, outline the main points you want to cover, but leave room for improvisation. This could involve noting down interesting anecdotes or statistics related to your topic that can be woven into the conversation naturally.

Especially for interviews, have a clear structure in mind but remain flexible. Prepare a list of questions that cover different aspects of the topic so that you can have a well-rounded discussion. And don’t be afraid of improvising a bit! If your guest brings up an intriguing point, dive deeper instead of only sticking to your script—your script should guide you without hindering your conversation.

Choose and Invite Guests

Inviting guests can bring new insights and diversity to your podcast. When reaching out to potential guests, remind them of the value they bring to your audience and what they can expect from the interview. 

When selecting guests, think about what unique perspectives they can offer. Look for individuals who have expertise in your topic area and can provide fresh, valuable insights. This could be industry leaders, influencers, or even everyday professionals with interesting experiences. Oftentimes, the best guests to have on B2B podcasts are your ideal buyers. 

Just like you don’t want to be too robotic with your audience, don’t be robotic with guests either. If you want someone to come and chat with you on your podcast, reach out with a personalized invitation that highlights why you think they would be a great fit for your podcast.

You also don’t want to leave them hanging without any support. Provide your guest with a brief outline of the topics you plan to cover and any specific questions you might ask. This helps them prepare for a smoother conversation. 

Check out our list of 33 Engaging Podcast Interview Questions.

During the interview, it’s also smart to make your guest feel comfortable and build a real connection. Start with some light, warm-up questions before diving into the core content. This can help ease any nervousness and set a positive tone for the discussion.

Gather the Right Podcast Equipment

So far, you’ve laid the groundwork for your podcast. Now it’s time to get your hands on the right resources. High-quality audio can make or break someone’s willingness to listen to you, so let’s look at the key podcast equipment you’ll need.


The microphone is arguably the most important piece of equipment for any podcaster. A good microphone can seriously improve your audio quality, making your podcast sound professional. When selecting a microphone, consider factors like budget, sound quality, and ease of use.

Dynamic microphones are a popular choice for podcasters because they are durable and less sensitive to background noise. This means that even in less-than-perfect settings, your microphone can really help out. 

Condenser microphones, on the other hand, offer superior sound quality but are more sensitive to ambient noise, which makes them better suited for soundproofed studios. Some popular models among podcasters include the Shure SM7B and the Audio-Technica AT2020.


A good pair of headphones is also essential for monitoring your audio as you record. They allow you to catch issues like background noise, audio clipping, or uneven levels in real-time. Over-ear headphones are generally preferred for podcasting since they provide better sound isolation, helping you focus on the audio without distractions.

Look for headphones that offer a flat frequency response, meaning they don’t color the sound. This ensures that what you hear through the headphones is a true representation of the recorded audio. Models like the Sony MDR-7506 and the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x are highly regarded in the podcasting community for their reliability and sound quality.

Audio Interfaces

An audio interface is a device that converts your microphone's analog signals into digital signals that your computer can understand. This is important if you're using an XLR microphone if you want that high-quality audio recording. Audio interfaces also provide the ability to adjust input levels and monitor the recording process.

When choosing an audio interface, consider the number of inputs and outputs you need, as well as the device’s compatibility with your computer. The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and the PreSonus AudioBox USB are excellent options for podcasters looking for reliability and ease of use.

Consider the Best Place to Record Your Podcast

The best thing you can do for your audio equipment is pick the right settings for recording a podcast. The environment will absolutely affect your overall quality and give you professional-sounding episodes. Here are some of your main options.


Recording in a professional studio is often the ideal choice for podcasters who want the best possible audio quality. Studios are designed with acoustics in mind, meaning you minimize background noise and echo. They are equipped with high-quality recording gear and often come with the added benefit of having a sound engineer on hand to assist with the technical aspects of recording.

While recording a podcast in a studio can be more expensive, it offers unparalleled sound quality and convenience. If your budget allows, or if you’re producing a podcast with high production values, booking time in a professional studio can be a worthwhile investment.

Looking for a studio that inspires great ideas and has a 30-second commute from your bed? Check out the Sweet Fish Creator House.


If recording in a studio isn’t feasible, the next best option is to create a soundproof environment at home. Soundproofing is also important to reduce background noise and prevent echo for that clean sound. Here are a few tips to soundproof your recording space:

  1. Choose a Quiet Room: Select a room that is naturally quiet and away from high-traffic areas in your home. Rooms with carpets and soft furnishings tend to absorb sound better than those with hard surfaces.
  2. Use Soundproofing Materials: Install foam panels, bass traps, and acoustic blankets on the walls and ceilings to absorb sound. These materials help to dampen echoes and reduce noise reflections.
  3. Seal Windows and Doors: Use weather stripping or draft stoppers to seal gaps around windows and doors. This can prevent outside noise from entering your recording space.
  4. Furniture Placement: Strategically place bookshelves, curtains, and other furniture in the room to help diffuse sound waves. Heavy curtains over windows and doors can also block out noise!

Podcast Recording Tips

Let’s bring together a couple of the best practices we’ve touched on. As you start recording, remember:

  • Invest in Good Quality Equipment: As we mentioned earlier, high-quality microphones, headphones, and audio interfaces are crucial for clear and professional audio. It’s okay to invest some money upfront for this one!
  • Record Somewhere Quiet: Even with soundproofing, selecting a quiet location is important. Avoid rooms with a lot of foot traffic, noisy appliances, or external noise.
  • Work with Professionals and Record in a Studio: If your budget allows, recording in a professional studio can provide superior audio quality and technical support.
  • Choose a Good Podcast Software: Using reliable podcast recording software can enhance your recording experience. Software like Adobe Audition, GarageBand, and offer a range of features to help you produce high-quality audio.
  • Monitor Your Audio Levels: Keep an eye on your audio levels while recording to avoid clipping and distortion. Adjust your microphone input levels as needed to maintain a consistent and clear sound.
  • Test Your Setup Before Recording: Always do a test recording to ensure everything is working correctly. This includes checking your microphone, headphones, audio interface, and recording software.
  • Stay Consistent with Your Recording Environment: Try to record in the same location and under similar conditions each time. This consistency helps maintain a nice, uniform sound quality across all your episodes.

Recording and Editing Your Podcast

Once you have your equipment and recording space set up, the next step is the actual recording and subsequent editing of your podcast! It’s such a rewarding experience and lets you get creative with your storytelling. Here’s what you’ve got to consider when you begin the actual recording process.

Working with Professionals

If you aim for the highest quality and have the budget, consider working with professionals. Sweet Fish, for example, offers white-glove podcast production services, taking your podcast from concept to polished final product. Professionals bring expertise in sound engineering, editing, and content strategy, ensuring every episode is top-notch.

This is particularly appealing if you lack experience with recording equipment or have limited time. Partnering with companies like Sweet Fish allows you to focus on content creation while experts handle the technical details, including equipment setup, audio level monitoring, and advanced editing. This professionalism can significantly enhance your final product, especially for business-oriented podcasts that must maintain a high standard.

Learn more about the 7 services your podcast agency needs to offer.

Choose the Best Podcast Software

The software you use also matters for both recording and editing. There are several options available, each with its own set of features. Here’s a look at some of the best podcast software tools you can consider.


While primarily known for video conferencing, Zoom also offers reliable audio recording features. It’s an excellent choice for remote interviews, allowing you to record high-quality audio from multiple participants. Zoom’s ease of use and accessibility make it a popular choice for podcasters conducting remote sessions.


A classic, GarageBand is a free, user-friendly option for Mac users. It offers a range of features for recording and editing audio, making it a great choice for beginners and intermediate podcasters. GarageBand’s intuitive interface allows you to add music, sound effects, and easily edit your tracks.

Riverside is a powerful tool designed specifically for podcasters. It records audio and video locally, giving the highest possible quality even if your internet connection is unstable. Riverside also offers features like separate audio tracks for each participant, so even post-production editing is more manageable.

Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition is a professional-grade audio editing software that offers advanced features for recording, editing, and mixing. It’s ideal for podcasters who want complete control over their audio production. With its pretty extensive set of tools, Adobe Audition helps you with precise editing, noise reduction, and audio enhancement.

Podcast Recording Apps

There are also various podcast recording apps available for both iOS and Android devices. Apps like Anchor, Spreaker, and Podbean offer simple recording and editing features, allowing you to produce and publish episodes directly from your smartphone. These apps are convenient for podcasters on the go or those looking for a streamlined process.

Consider Background Music and Sound Effects

Your voice may be the star of the show, but it’s surprising how eerie an episode can be without a little background music. 

Adding background music and sound effects can make the listening experience much more pleasant, which makes your podcast even more engaging. Use music to set the tone at the beginning and end of your episodes, or to transition between segments. Sound effects can add emphasis and keep listeners entertained. 

Just keep in mind that too much fun with the soundboard or sound bites can be a little…much. Try to use these elements sparingly and appropriately so they complement rather than overwhelm your content.

Another quick tip: when choosing background music, make sure you have the necessary rights to use it. Many podcasters use royalty-free music libraries, such as Epidemic Sound or AudioJungle, to find suitable tracks. Always give credit to the creators if needed!

Create Podcast Show Notes

Show notes, also known as podcast notes, are a part of your podcast episode that many newer podcasters forget about. They provide listeners with a summary of the content, links to resources mentioned, and timestamps for different segments. Well-crafted show notes enhance the listener experience and improve your podcast’s SEO, making it easier for new listeners to find your episodes.

When writing show notes, include a brief overview of the episode, key points discussed, and any relevant links or resources. This not only helps listeners but also provides valuable content for your website and social media channels.

Post Your Podcast 

Once your episode is recorded and edited, it’s time to share it with the world. Here’s how to post your podcast on popular platforms:


Spotify is one of the most popular platforms for podcast listeners, offering a vast audience base that can help your podcast gain traction. To upload your podcast to Spotify, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account on Spotify for Podcasters: Visit and sign up for a free account. If you already have a Spotify account, you can use your existing credentials.
  2. Submit Your RSS Feed: In the Spotify for Podcasters dashboard, click on "Add Your Podcast" and paste your RSS feed URL. Your RSS feed is typically provided by your podcast hosting service.
  3. Verify Your Podcast: Spotify will send a verification email to the address associated with your RSS feed. Click on the verification link to confirm your ownership.
  4. Review and Publish: Once verified, review your podcast details and submit for approval. Spotify will review your submission to ensure it complies with their guidelines. This process can take a few days.

Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts is another major platform for podcast distribution, widely used by iPhone and iPad users. To get your podcast on Apple Podcasts, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up for an Apple ID: If you don’t already have an Apple ID, create one at Ensure your Apple ID is active and verified.
  2. Set Up an Apple Podcasts Connect Account: Go to and sign in with your Apple ID. You may need to agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding.
  3. Submit Your RSS Feed: Click on the "+" button in the Apple Podcasts Connect dashboard and enter your podcast’s RSS feed URL. Your hosting service typically provides this feed.
  4. Validate and Preview: Apple Podcasts Connect will validate your RSS feed to check for any errors. You can preview how your podcast will appear in the directory.
  5. Submit for Review: After validation, submit your podcast for review. Apple will review your podcast to ensure it meets its content guidelines. This process can take a few days to a week.

Promoting Your Podcast

Creating a great podcast is only half the battle; promoting it effectively is key to building an audience. Here are some strategies to get your podcast noticed:

  • Build Anticipation: Use your existing social media channels, email newsletters, and website to tease upcoming episodes. Share behind-the-scenes content, guest announcements, and intriguing episode previews to generate excitement.
  • Optimize for Keywords and SEO: Make your podcast discoverable by optimizing your podcast title, description, and episode titles with relevant keywords. This improves visibility on podcast platforms and search engines, attracting more listeners.
  • Cross-Promotion: There’s a lot you can do with others to get your name out there. Collaborate with other podcasters, appear as a guest on related shows, and participate in relevant online communities. Sharing each other’s content can help you tap into new audiences who are likely to be interested in your podcast.
  • Create Complementary Content: Extend your reach by repurposing podcast content into formats such as blog posts, YouTube videos, and short-form social media clips. These can drive traffic back to your podcast and enhance your overall content strategy. For maximum reach, we recommend creating a media brand and following a content-splintering approach.

Promoting your podcast really is the best way to get your hard work to the ears of your soon-to-be listeners, which is key to growing your audience and media brand.

Recording a Podcast with Sweet Fish

At Sweet Fish Media, we don’t just produce podcasts; we help you build a comprehensive media brand. Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just starting, our expert services ensure your content not only sounds great but resonates with your target audience. From initial concept to polished final product, we handle the technical details and provide strategic content guidance, allowing you to focus on creating engaging episodes that enhance your B2B brand’s presence.

Partner with Sweet Fish Media to elevate your podcast and develop a media brand that truly stands out.

Learn more about our media brand services.