
B2B Sales

Building B2B Thought Leadership: An 8-Step Playbook
B2B Growth
Building B2B Thought Leadership: An 8-Step Playbook
B2B thought leadership requires a clear plan to be able to execute effectively. Follow our 8-step playbook to guarantee success.
Emily Kingland
April 1, 2024
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What is B2B Lead Generation? How to Find B2B Leads
B2B Marketing
What is B2B Lead Generation? How to Find B2B Leads
B2B lead generation is identifying and attracting potential business clients to generate sales opportunities and foster business relationships.
Beth Bagley
February 20, 2024
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Demand Generation and How it Differs From Lead Generation
B2B Marketing
Demand Generation and How it Differs From Lead Generation
Demand generation vs lead generation. Explore how these strategies differ and learn which approach might align best with your business growth goals.
Emily Kingland
February 2, 2024
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How to Add Over $1M to Your Sales Pipeline in Less than 90 days (a 12-Step Process)
B2B Sales
How to Add Over $1M to Your Sales Pipeline in Less than 90 days (a 12-Step Process)
We've developed a 12-step process that will allow you to add over $1M to your sales pipeline in the next 90 days.
James Carbary
April 29, 2016
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5 Ways B2B Sales Teams Can Leverage Content Marketing to Close More Deals
B2B Sales
5 Ways B2B Sales Teams Can Leverage Content Marketing to Close More Deals
Content marketing has changed the way companies approach the sales process. Prospects are not pushed but pulled inside the sales funnel through great, relevant, and engaging content. For salespeople, content marketing has the potential to become a powerful tool that can close more deals. Here are five ways B2B sales teams can leverage content marketing.
Felix Tarcomnicu
February 10, 2016
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14 Ideas For Insanely Effective Lead Magnets
B2B Sales
14 Ideas For Insanely Effective Lead Magnets
Generating leads from your website can be really hard. So how are the online marketing juggernauts collecting thousands of leads each month? The simple answer is this: they're using insanely effective lead magnets. Here are 14 lead magnets that you can implement on your website today.
Paige Southard
November 9, 2015
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How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
B2B Sales
How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
Promoting your content doesn’t have to be a time consuming task. The numerous social platforms and millions of bloggers to reach out to can seem daunting, but strong content marketing can be broken down into just three parts: influencer outreach, social media posting, and third party sharing.
James Carbary
September 24, 2015
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How to Write the Perfect Welcome Email for Your Autoresponder Sequence
B2B Sales
How to Write the Perfect Welcome Email for Your Autoresponder Sequence
In the 2015 world of sales, automation is king. What exactly does that mean in terms of sending out automated emails to your email list? We can start with a few basic definitions and clarifications.
Brandon Reed
September 10, 2015
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3 Reasons Our Content Marketing Agency Doesn’t Do Contracts
B2B Sales
3 Reasons Our Content Marketing Agency Doesn’t Do Contracts
The goal behind the service we offer is simple: to increase your sales. We do that by creating original blog content that will attract your target audience to your website. But usually, for a service like ours, you have to sign a long-term contract. You risk spending tons of money—for a fixed amount of time—to get underwhelming results. So from the very beginning, we decided not to do contracts. Here are the 3 reasons why.
James Carbary
August 3, 2015
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3 Stupid-Simple Ways to Scale Your Content Creation
B2B Sales
3 Stupid-Simple Ways to Scale Your Content Creation
While it’s essential for you to blog regularly, let’s be honest — you just don’t have the time! You’re too busy running your business to even think about writing a blog post. We feel you. That’s why we’ve put together these 3 stupid-simple ways to scale your content creation.
Jason Vana
July 23, 2015
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27 of the Best Conferences for Entrepreneurs and Marketers
B2B Sales
27 of the Best Conferences for Entrepreneurs and Marketers
Great conferences are taking place every week, all over the world. It can be really overwhelming trying to decipher which ones are worth your time and money. Well have no fear, because we’ve done the research and necessary googling for you. Here are 27 of the best conferences for entrepreneurs and marketers.
James Carbary
July 9, 2015
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You Need a LinkedIn Strategy (copy this one)
B2B Sales
You Need a LinkedIn Strategy (copy this one)
According to Statista, LinkedIn has over 364 million users as of May 2015 — all of whom are business professionals and many who are decision makers. So how do you turn LinkedIn into a lead-generating machine? How do you grow your business and authority among high-ranking business professionals? Simple. You implement a LinkedIn strategy.
Jason Vana
June 25, 2015
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Facebook Dark Posts: Why Every Small Business Owner Should Be Using Them
B2B Sales
Facebook Dark Posts: Why Every Small Business Owner Should Be Using Them
Believe it or not, Facebook isn’t trying to make marketing your product difficult. Facebook is protecting your customers better than you can while handing you the tools to reach your audience more effectively than ever. Introducing, the Facebook dark post (aka “unpublished posts”).
KC Procter
June 22, 2015
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